Charles Yu 25 /4/2018 EQ x 2

Charles Yu 25 /4/2018 EQ x 2

Talk appreciate can increase mutual understanding.
適當的交通 可以增加互相的理解

Blame always with Love ***
M. Blame, Treat with Unconditional Love.

Mentality can be changed by hard n love training.

***You need to Come, but you can do what you design

Hesitate to do can let Mantility change.

Difficulty can increase creativity.
困難可以使你更加有創意沒有場地就把自己房間變成 教學用地方這就是魚博士的經歷

Good Philosophy: I can Blame you only…
That’s means tell him he is one n only one you Love her. ***

我鬧你, 因為我只能夠鬧你

That’s Art of EQ communication.

Life will come something special if it’s God blessing – Dr Charles Office.

Life is Happy!
Totally Depends on How you interpretate:
生命快樂與否 全看你如何演繹
就算被人欺騙了一百萬 也是比從前十年之前rich.
Dr Charles lost 1 million, he still live better than 10 years ago.

Passive person have Lovely n Peaceful Heart.

For example :
Story of Couples – Blind wife in USA.
Husband always smiling n listening to wife.
Prepare coins to Dr. Yu.

Why Matthew anger when he go home himself, once he listened to story of Derek.

Than Blame G by English.

Key to lead a person to change :***

Principal story :
All is His Choice.

He can design his life also is Good to himself.

That’s also Good to your couple n son.

Why Dating :
Live with your Real Truth.
You being Love.
Once someone Love you, you will Love yourself n improved yourself.

Love should enjoy immediately, but research shows unhappiness within half year later.

Maintain it n overcome it with Love.

Bible: chin to she 9/9

Record 25/4/2018 JDD 206

星期三可以好好休息半天醒來已是8時30分簡單早餐五分鐘晨運友要到師奶奶邊造資料一開始他又把我的頭部輕輕觸按摩一下在markov process學到很多新的技巧原來這個近的感覺 是我頸椎胸鎖乳突肌 一個很大的拉力他輕輕用嘅手術完之後嘉裕洋館我就輕鬆多了原來健康是成個筋膜大浪行完就要細分細分之後再改心靈飲食休息時間 很輕鬆的準時到了 律師行簽租約derek很仁慈的有講有笑十分鐘後完成人生就是這樣 簡單的完成之後打電話轉回自己名下從容小姐那邊和他乘電車男到買樓問題他很強調要早點自己有樓宇不是為退休不然他早就潛水教練了他是工作滿足感問他什麼令他將滿足他沒有正面回答這就是他的特性吧 在清真吃了咖哩羊燒鴨很美味的一個午餐 我很做回自己但他卻有點拘謹吧沒有所謂啦之後他感到快樂便可以了 幸運的我已完全擺脫從前的不快感覺啦做得很自然感謝主耶穌醫治回到中心開始和子競上課 課程就是拉筋 計劃和重複的前兩天的總結看了很多不同的客人包括心理狀態外讓他真正落到實習層面他做了麥先生很興奮他說客人竟然在電梯再問他原來他是很喜歡參與他也幫我們把電腦的風扇上司維修結果成功贖回真是無比的幸福感謝主耶穌原來他喜歡參與困難並不是最重要當中的投入朋友分享 我學習才是 沒有在我保護的生存空間下學到真實的世界感謝主提醒我要減少對他的保護在安全的情況下更加需要放手明天將會是他 教授運動的時間讓他多點實習吧 當中他會找到很多美麗的回憶和笑話晚上在都要幫事那邊聽書校長如何為何要找如何師傅到原來就是 他還覺得堅持主要原因就是完全是他自己選擇輔導的最重要竅門就是 被輔導者本身已知道自己的困難但仍然是堅持就是希望 證明自己所選擇的是對的 以真正這個關係 真實自己是在家中才可以發生很難再重新建立一個關係這是困難所以寧願捱苦但輔導這就是應該找到一個相對合理容易是他解決困難面對 繼續堅持甚至乎一些提醒去走出這個圈圈這就是輔導者成功輔導者的一個協會 真快樂的一天又過去了感謝主耶穌有我完完全全的完成今日的工作讓我可以看到他兒子自己一日一日進步早上十時還打了一個電話給詠恩 他一切安好感謝主只是見到媽媽說沒有機會參與有點失望很多少少事情他就靜靜困在哪個圈兒沒有像魚博士所說的其實我們有好多想法特別是要正面的去解決這就是依q了感謝主耶穌一切都在他帶領之下進行有所有榮耀頌讚都盡歸我主耶穌帶領我們一家 成就主公等緊跟從直至世界的末了求主使用保守他的兒女讓更多靈魂得再請教有所有榮耀頌讚都盡歸我主耶穌基督祈禱奉靠我主耶穌基督得勝名字而求阿門 人生總是有些幸運 但上帝安排的今天一個客人生意成功背後竟然因投訴一個國內的有權勢人結果什麼都沒有 還要被人走嚟香港綁票大道上大陸真是有這麼可怕的經歷和人生真是這樣嗎17年的故事讓他到現在也還不能釋懷求主看顧他們的兒女都相信上帝背後有最好的安排求主看顧這是一個今天的小插曲原來我們無比幸運的時間其實還有很多人面對困難最終就是 人怕出名豬怕肥簡單建成的生活文默的耕耘可能這就是可以歷久常新享受到生活中的每一個點滴的竅門跟謝主耶穌給我一個返聲做人不要太近也不要太陽萬物都各按其時成為佳美溫柔的人有福了因為天國是他們的 感謝主的提醒求主看顧 他們每一個兒女看過之競泳欣欣我們都成為上帝忠心的僕人榮耀主名的兒女 讓更多靈魂得著拯救 有所有榮耀頌讚都盡歸我主耶穌基督祈禱奉靠我主耶穌基督得勝名字而求阿門

Charles Yu 24/4/2018 童年創傷

Charles Yu 24/4/2018 童年創傷

Being hit as ACE Score due to :
Change patients
Relative leave.
Replace by brother n daughter

Consequences change:

1. Psychology : Withdrawal, Shame…
2. Behavior: Gambler, Home bind…
3. Physical health: Allergy, HT, Anxiety…
4. Poor Adaptability.
5. Slow Recovery Ability.

If being restricted, he will give up if he choice.

他們就會選擇放棄圖比例如轉新工打機 填補這被傷害的感覺.

或將這份經歷 重新演繹在他們的下一代.

又或在其他人身上做實驗, 看看這到世界的回應.

If he can’t choice, will be extremely change.

Can be trough or very flexible.

Play game is just replacement n get happiness or shelter.

If family hit on his favor (game) , than high chance of give up.

Treatment :
Recall experience by drama therapy.

Reverse position find out value behind n reasons on why patients hit you.

For example: Girl being push out the flat

易地而處思想法:( by questions)
For example :

Answer by client with hints :
Her mother also teach by grandmother.
More safe to protect being hit more.
She didn’t know how to face
The client get experience how to teach in coming future.

Key of Treatment :
Unconditional Love.
Build up positive relation on each time.
Recall how to face same issue next time.
Ask client: what you want at the end.
Target orientation: Always set up Positive Target.
Never let client feel: Not being love.

Keys of Peaceful Mind.
If being hit :
It’s not Real.
He don’t know how to do at that moment.

Jesus: Anger is Temporarily with Love.

Story of Dr. Charles Yu use ruler beat child:
You hit the others, you are being hit first.

Real Heart, Never Real Fire.

Charles Yu 24/4/2018 童年創傷

Charles Yu 24/4/2018 童年創傷

Being hit as ACE Score due to :
Change patients
Relative leave.
Replace by brother n daughter

Consequences change:

1. Psychology
2. Behavior
3. Physical health
4. Adaptability
5. Recovery ability

If being restricted, he will give up if he choice.

他們就會選擇放棄圖比例如轉新工打機 填補這被傷害的感覺.

或將這份經歷 重新演繹在他們的下一代.

又或在其他人身上做實驗, 看看這到世界的回應.

If he can’t choice, will be extremely change.

Can be trough or very flexible.

Play game is just replacement n get happiness or shelter.

If family hit on his favor (game) , than high chance of give up.

Treatment :
Recall experience by drama therapy.

Reverse position find out value behind n reasons on why patients hit you.

For example: Girl being push out the flat

易地而處思想法:( by questions)
For example :

Answer by client with hints :
Her mother also teach by grandmother.
More safe to protect being hit more.
She didn’t know how to face
The client get experience how to teach in coming future.

Key of Treatment :
Unconditional Love.
Build up positive relation on each time.
Recall how to face same issue next time.
Ask client: what you want at the end Target orientation.
Never let client feel: Not being love.

Keys of Peaceful Mind.
If being hit :
It’s not Real.
He don’t know how to do at that moment.

Jesus: Anger is Temporarily with Love.

Story of Dr. Charles Yu use ruler beat child:
You hit the others, you are being hit first.

Real Heart, Never Real Fire.

Charles Yu 24/4/2018 童年創傷

Charles Yu 24/4/2018 童年創傷

Being hit as ACE Score. Eg:
Change patients
Relative leave.
Replace by brother n daughter

1. Psychology.
2. Behavior
3. Physical health
4. Adaptability
5. Recovery ability
If being restricted, he will give up if he choice.

If he can’t choice, will be extremely

Can be trough or very flexible.

Play game is just replacement n get happiness or shelter.

If family hit on his favor (game) , than high chance of give up.

Recall experience by drama therapy.

Reverse position find out value behind n reasons on why patients hit you.

For example: Girl being push out the flat

Her mother also teach by grandmother.
More safe to protect being hit more.
She didn’t know how to face
The client get experience how to teach in coming future.

Unconditional Love.
Build up relation.
Recall how to face same issue next time.
Ask client: what you want at the end Target orientation.
Never let client not being love.

If being hit :
It’s not Real.
He don’t know how to do at that moment.

Jesus: Anger is temporarily with love.

Story of Dr. Charles Yu use ruler beat child:
You hit the others, you are being hit first.

Real Heart, never real fire.

Charles Yu 19/4/2018 EQ x 2

Charles Yu 19/4/2018 EQ x 2

Four types of couples

1. Same tigger.
2. Different characters, one follower.
Effective n Cooperation
3. No Direction, Both are followers
No Direction, Delay, Peaceful.
4. Different characters, Two leaders.
Effective \ Conflict

Accept position can solve conflicts.
Accept Not Perfect.
Remove Anger by follow Bible said
恩慈相待, 存憐憫的心.
Believe it will not long lasting.
Love her more n pray for her.
Appreciate what you get even on worst conditions.
Change the expectations _ Proverbs 16:7
Help by external force – Pray for The Lord.
Believe Jesus – Everything happens must have Good things behind.

Face difficulty, Always Talk about it Positive Way.

Story of NPC clients in Yuen Long.

Charles Yu 17/4/2018 創傷解碼

Charles Yu 19/4/2018 創傷解碼

Higher brain Thinking

n Lower Brain basic needs

Assessment :
1. Degeneration behavior.
2. Always Day Dreams.
3. Avoidance behavior.
4. Recall behavior treat the others.
5. ‎Sit away from public.
6. ‎Expression difficulty.

A. Behavior: Anger, Depression, Incontinence, Night mad.


B. Cognitive development: verbal development, anxiety, PS4, Sexual Abuse, Gambling.

C. Intension to resume bad behavior to Prove himself is not good or Testing you not love him or test the world reactions.

Treatment :
1. Develop Good Relation
(Avoid Fear even verbally.)
2. Value Reducation, change the distorted value.
3. ‎Refacing the real situation with Good solution.
4. ‎Protection skill if face the same event.
5. ‎Avoid explore too much or too sudden if relation is not good enough or client not ready.
6. ‎Be Sympathy, avoid Empathy
7. ‎***Passively Active: Wait with smiling,, Listen n Observe!!!
( if you like welcome calling me.)
8. Clients can be hulissation…. Can help, I am Expert to help you.

For example :

A. Just observe than ask why you always show your tension sign:
Kyphosis, Deep breathing….
B. Discuss how to make yourself comfortable.
C. ***Clients may express himself one day.

***Do you like express yourself?
Everyone like that ( don’t express), it normal.
But do you think it’s good time to talk?
( if he trust you.)
You can ask me anything x 10 mins.
May I ask you one question only?

Keys :
1. Being Understanding n Accompanied n Rephrase the story with Good Results.

2. Unconditional Love: I still love you no matter what you are.
Eg. Chocolate, small gift weekly.

3. Resolve the Helpless n Hopeless***

ADHD have same behavior as being Abuse.

I find one think you are good n different from the others, do you know what it is?

2 Make ke a guess.

3. You n me write it down to open.

4. I hope I can explore one more on next session.

Charles Yu 18/4/2018

Charles Yu 18/4/2018

Principal Story solution:


Study, Diagnosis n Treatment.

Condition can change when time goes by.

10 points you should know :

1. Know your couple by instragram / chart.
2. Relationship satisfaction.
3. Successful Rings you have: power money… Your family respect these?
4. Strong man principle never ask for help since Self Help is cheap for exploring yourself character.
5. No Outlet or Solution since no trust to the others n too well educated.
6. No Accompanied / Close Friend.
7. 有沒有什麼體驗 recently, 分享下? 我給你看法, 你給我意見好嗎? 多謝你畀機會我, 下次再次教下.
8. Don’t like others Judge. You can use his own words to figure out solution.
9. Except you have heart:
. You can say, you want this, but don’t know this.
. I will care you how can you achieved.
. I really care on you.
:***Solutions is find one least protection: His Son.

His son is relatively independent n see the true.

Work with individual for the family ***

Diagnosis :
1. You do a lot, but can’t work.
Do you quiry your Ability?

I don’t think my ability.
It’s due to my wife n my son.

Why you (tear)? Xxx

You should say:
2. How you relief your emotions?
3. Do you think you are being treated?
See his point of view n position.
4. How you settle your anger?
Key: Don’t believe that is true!!! ***
5. You are different to say, but I feel you want someone care.

Charles Yu 19/4/2018 EQ x 2

Charles Yu 19/4/2018 EQ x 2

Four types of couples

1. Same tigger.
2. Different characters, one follower.
3. No Direction, Both are followers
4. Different characters, Two leaders.
Accept position can solve conflicts.
Accept Not Perfect.
Remove Anger by follow Bible said
Believe it will not long lasting.
Love her more n pray for her.
Appreciate what you get even on worst conditions.
Change the expectations _ Proverbs 16:7
Help by external force – Pray for The Lord.
Believe Jesus – Everything happens must have Good things behind.

Face difficulty, Always Talk about it Positive Way.

Story of NPC clients in Turn Long.